Sunday, 30 September 2012

Preliminary film write up

The Brief

Continuity task involving filming and editing a character sitting down opposite another character with whom he/ she exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.


Below is our storyboard. This helped our planning so that we wouldn't miss any camera shots out. It also sped up the editing stage because we knew the order in which to put the shots in. We didn't stick to this story board because we felt we could improve our film by changing the sequence and
adding more camera shots.

It is set in a school and there is panic because there is an unknown murderer in the school and someone is running around the school looking for survivors - he is the protagonist. He checks several rooms until he finds s mysterious person in the corner. The audience first impression that he is scared and vulnerable but as the conversation starts they should doubt this and then realise that he is the murderer.  We tried to make the ending as shocking as possible and the music helps this.

In this first shot we are introduced to the the person running. We used a wide shot to show the setting. This cuts to a high shot of another person looking vulnerable. It then cuts a close up to show his emotions. At this point the audience are confused to who this is. This cuts to another shot the runner.

There is then a shot of the runner checking a room. To improve this we could have used an extreme close up of the handle. The runner carries on searching to build the tension and keep the audience asking questions.

 The runner finally finds the the mysterious person and the music stops. Tension is released as the audience think the characters are safe. Again a variety of camera shots could have improved this scene.

 Te camera pans away from the person in the corner to follow the runner getting a chair. This camera shot didn't quite work because it took the attention off the mysterious character. The series of questions that follow show the runners intentions and that he is the protagonist.

 In the last shot all is revealed as the mysterious person attacks the runner showing that he is the antagonist. We used a point of view shot to emphasise the shock.

We also wrote a risk assessment for the actors so they had full knowledge of the risks that they might take. The next step was filming. This was quite tricky and a lengthy process because it was our first experience of filming and acting. We shot at various locations around school and this made it difficult to get the continuity right but I could only spot one small mistake.

Our next task was to start editing. I was trusted to obtain suitable music which had a high tempo with a spooky tone and I think the music goes well with the theme and shots. The editing process did take a lot of time however it was something we full well knew before we started. A few lessons later we had finished and the the group and In were very happy with all our work.

Individual Performance

I feel I worked very well as part of the team. When we had been set the brief I came up with multiple ideas but not only that but took on board the groups ideas and took good bits from the two. I think I understood our theme well which allowed me to make a good music choice to go on in the background in the running scenes. I was committed to completing the project to a good standard and because of this gave up my free time. There were times when I could have been more professional to get the filming done quicker but in the end I don't think this affected the final piece. I found the editing tricky and because of this maybe I didn't throw myself into that with enthusiasm so that is something I can improve

Group Performance

We worked well together as a group, especially coming up with ideas in the initial stages because we listened to each other and took good points from everyone. We shared out our responsibilities evenly and this helped us get on well I think. When it came to the filming I think we could have been more professional but we did manage to get all our shots done. One issue was that we only needed one person to operate the camera and the other two were actors so the other person was a bit distracting but I'm mentioning no names. In the editing process we all contributed to ideas and we came up with a professional final edit.



Sunday, 23 September 2012

Feedback on the Doctor Who Analysis

The feedback from my peers was:
  • Needs more development on Todorov theory. Terminology is used correctly and covered all the theories well.
  • Could be more interactive and less text but well developed
  • Funny and relevant pictures which kept us interested. Analysis could be more developed. Needs structured paragraphs instead of bullet points.
  • Well explained and kept us entertained because of the pictures, could expand on camera shots and music
  • Great level of detail, explanation and use of terminology
  • Well explained theories and entertaining but could develop points on character representation
I think that the majority of these are fair. I think that I needed to expand and develop some of the points made especially on Propp's character types theory. I used bullet points because I find them easier and quicker to understand and revise from.  Also I have used colour well to separate the headings from the text. I tried to make it entertaining so it is more enjoyable to read and, judging from the feedback, I have achieved this.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Doctor Who: Asylum of the Daleks

Todorov’s theory of narrative equilibrium

Equilibrium – Going about their daily lives. Amy is doing her job where she is a model which is stereotypically female job.
Disruption – Daleks kidnap the Doctor, Amy and Rory. Daleks send them on a mission, that they are too afraid to attempt, to the Asylum to disable the shield that surrounds the planet so the daleks can destroy the planet.
Recognition of the disruption –  “How much trouble are we in?” “On a scale of 1 to 10, 11.” This is said when the doctor first realises they are on a dalek ship
Attempts to repair the disruption – When they are sent down to the planet Rory gets separated. The Doctor tries to find him. This subverts the stereotype that the heroic men rescue the princess but here a male character needs to be saved. He goes to save Oswin (aka Souffle girl) and disable the shield and teleport off the planet to save the day. He saves Amy by giving her his device that prevents him from becoming dalek (Dalekifying Prevention Device or DPD for short) because she has lost hers. 
A new state of Equilibrium – Safe from the daleks, Rory and Amy get back together. The doctor goes off and does what he loves, travelling through time and space.

Field’s 3 Act Structure

First Act – Woman on the daleks side kidnaps the Doctor and takes him to the Daleks. The Daleks tell the Doctor that he has to save them by deactivating the shield down from the planet so they can blow it up.
Second Act – Doctor tries to avoid danger, destroys a room full of Daleks. Goes to save Oswin while giving Amy his DPD to save her.
Third Act – Discovers Oswin is a Dalek so he can’t save her. He then gets rid of the shield and teleports back to the Dalek ship before the planet is blown up. Amy and Rory get back together and it's a happy ending 

Levi Strauss’ Binary Opposition Theory

The Doctor is the hero, the Daleks are the villains. Amy, Rory and the Doctor are the protagonists whilst the Daleks are the evil antagonists. Oswin thinks she is on the Doctors side, but it turns out that she has been turned into a Dalek and is imagining she is still human. She is technically good because she helps them the whole time, but at the end when she realises what she is she does try to kill the Doctor.
Good does triumph over evil in the end and the humans defeat the machines.

Propp’s Character Types Theory

Hero The Doctor, adhering to the male stereotype 
Villain – The Daleks
Donor – The Daleks give the Doctor, Amy and Rory the DPD's.
Dispatcher – The Daleks give the Doctor his mission to take down the shields so they can destroy the planet and all the rogue Daleks.
False Hero – Oswin because she thinks she is helping them and she will be saved but it turns out she is a Dalek and she didn’t realise (she has been Dalekified without her knowledge). She is also the helper.
Princess – Amy is the princess because she is being turned into a dalek and so is Oswin. They are both not typical princesses because Oswin guides and helps the Doctor whereas usually the princess is helpless. Amy helps save Rory at the start but soon has to be saved herself

The characters don't easily fit Propp's theory because they fit into more than one category. For example

Representation of the Characters

Amy – Stereotypical girls job (model). Shows her as a child as a ballerina which is also stereotypical of little girls. In one scene she is being carried by the doctor showing she is being saved. In this episode she is the princess 
Rory – He has to be saved which subverts the stereotype of males being the heroes. Seen as the less dominant male compared to the Doctor because he doesn't make the plans.
The Doctor – He is shown as very clever, makes all the plans to lead the way and hints that he might know that Oswin is in fact a dalek. He saves everyone which connotes that he is the alpha male. In one particular scene it shows the doctor carrying Amy which clearly shows him being the hero adhering to the stereotype that all males are strong and save the princess. His sonic screwdriver could be seen as phallic symbolism.
Oswin – Wearing red throughout the episode and the connotations of this are that danger is close by. She’s not the typical “princess” because although she is being saved by the Doctor, she is not helpless as she is helping the Doctor and at one point saves him by controlling the daleks by hacking into their network but at one point she makes souffles which agrees with the female stereotype.


Thursday, 13 September 2012

Thoughts on the Hillsbrough disaster

I think disaster is the correct word choice. Not only does it describe the actual events that took place on the day but also the painful aftermath that has finally been resolved. It has made me think how many other stories in the press are cover ups, how many other stories are hiding something sinister and how many other stories are blatant lies. I'm sure many people are thinking the same thing.The fans were blamed for something they never did and the public believed it all because of a stereotype. They were labelled as hooligans-drunk, disrespectful and dangerous. These were just good people the police blamed  and it demonstrates how powerful stereotypes can be because people are familiar with them. The idea that the police are truthful, helpful and noble has been thrown out of the window with this story. It's not only a disaster for the families and friends involved but also for the police that have had their reputation destroyed.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Police and Immigrant representation

In the video clip the police and the immigrants were represented very differently by the producers but why?

Why represent the police in this way?

·         To try and make the villains (antagonists)
      ·         The produces want the audience to side with the immigrants

·         To add sense of realism and show the brutality of reality. It avoids an easy narrative resolution

·         Establish a defence between the police and the immigrants.

·         Represented as faceless, unthinking and robots
The police-helpful
Or doing a job

Why represent the immigrants in this way?

·         To make the audience sympathise with them so we feel more emotion when Ibrahim is taken away

·         It shows that the immigrants are treated unfairly and seen as different from others. This also highlights their lack of power
Immigrats-one of us
Or the enemy

What stereotypes are being adhered to or subverted?

·         Police-Normally the protectors of society that are friendly, approachable and there to help but in this clip they are shown to destroy lives and are nonchalant, just doing a job.

·         Immigrants-Seen as unclean, dehumanised, have large families, unskilled however the clip   contradicts these things and Adam is clearly very skilled, caring and shown at the end, religious.

·         Gino is based on a stereotype. He is a waiter with a big moustache that every Italian obviously has and a stereotypical Italian name. This is because he only appears on screen briefly and helps the audience understand his character if they are already familiar with the stereotype.

Can you hypothesise the purpose behind the mediation of this text?

·         To inform, show the reality of the situation immigrants find themselves in even if they are well educated

·         To entertain the viewers

·         Challenge preconceptions about immigrants and the police within our society

This video contains sterotypes of typical Germans but if you are a football fan it will bring back painfull memories but it is also funny -

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Denotations and Connotations

Contrasting connotations of red
In our second lesson Mr Croft talked us through denotations (literal meaning) and connotations (implied meanings). We looked at some road signs and talked about the colours used. For example red is commonly used to signify danger. We went on to look at some pictures and in our groups we were asked to write down any things we associated with the pictures. For example for a sunset the connotation are of romance, relaxation and the end of something. Another interesting example was one of a rose. The colour red is being used but this time instead of signifying danger like the road signs we thought it implied romance, love and sex. 
We then were shown a clip of a television drama that would be similar to one we would get in an exam.Focusseing on mise-on-scene which is the things that appear on set such as props, costumes, colours and the settings, we made a few notes and would present them next lesson.

The basic storyline was that police search the building for immigrants and so the immigrants try to avoid capture by hiding in a room together but one immigrant wasn't aware of the police and therefore he was taken away.
Snapshots of red on clothing carpet etc.
This indicates danger
Entry of police into building in an arrow formation.
Arrogant, ruthless, determined. Their leader at the front looks wise to the situation when he smirks at the receptionists attempt to cover up a warning for the immigrants.
Actions of immigrants
Look scared and panic which suggests that they are desperate to hide. They are cramped in a room which increases the panic and shows their lack of power. Also they rely on another person to hide them which again shows their lack of power and vulnerability.
Cloths of immigrants
All wearing the same uniform which suggests that they are all the same but this is later proven wrong when some of them pray for the man that was taken while others don’t. This also separates them from the “other” people and singles them out which shows their vulnerability.
Cloths of police
In uniform apart from their leader who is wearing a suit jacket that suggests power and status
Adams helpful actions
He knew what to do when someone had a diabetic attack the connotations of this is that he has been forced to work there because he is an immigrant but he has a good enough education for a far better job

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

What does being clever actually mean?

In our first lesson we were presented with this question. "what does being clever mean" and after twelve years of going to school with the aim to become clever it should have been a faily simple question to answer. This unfortunately wasn't the case, so much for a nice and easy first lesson. My group and I decided that being clever was to not just knowing the answers to things but knowing how to work problems out. Other suggestions from the class were that being clever is being able to understand new things and to adapt. I first thought that exam results would be a good measure of how clever a person is but as later demonstrated this is not always the case.

Mr Croft went on to show us two cartoon characters that represented two of his students that he has previously taught that both got the same grades at GCSE. One of these students had been trained to get through his exams the easy way. He was told all the tricks, all the answers and everything was pretty much done for him. The other student was trained to work problems out for himself, to relate his education to the real world and to stand on his own two feet. The students went on to get a job but were made redundant because of the recession but the first student found it difficult to retrain and ended up in a boring job that he hated. The second of the students manage to retrain easily and tried out a few different jobs and eventually found one that he enjoyed. He went on to live happily ever after all because he worked harder and got more out of his education.

We were then asked which method of teaching we preferred and came to the conclusion that we would like a mixture of the two. We want to know the tricks to get the best grades in the exams but not to be just spoon fed the information, we want to have the understanding to know why? After experiencing this style of teaching and comparing it to an hour of copying notes from a textbook, it is not only challenging me to push myself but also more enjoyable.